University of Turin (Università degli Studi di Torino)

University Information, Campus and History
(Turin, Italy)

The University of Turin is located in Turin (or Torino) in the Piedmont region of northwestern Italy. It was founded in the beginning of the 15th century by Prince Ludovico of Savoia-Acaja and was officially recognized by Pope Benedetto XII in 1404. It is one of the oldest Italian institutes and one of the few European universities with a medieval origin.

The university has been closely linked to Torino's fate over the centuries. Despite a period of crisis during the French occupation in the mid-sixteenth century and the difficulties of wars and plagues centuries after, the university continued to grow during the dukedoms of Emanuele Filiberto, Carlo Emanuele I, and Vittorio Amedeo II.

Presently, the university has several buildings scattered around the city, including the present seat in Via Po. The University of Turin is one of the universities with the largest number of students and teachers in Italy, with around 63,000 students. It is also one of the best schools for international relationships, scientific production, and research quality.

The University of Turin has 55 departments and 12 faculties:
  • Agriculture
  • Economics
  • Education
  • Foreign Languages and Literature
  • Law
  • Letters and Philosophy
  • Mathematical, Physical, and Natural Sciences
  • Medicine and Surgery
  • Pharmacy
  • Political Sciences
  • Psychology
  • Veterinary Medicine


The University of Turin has a library for each faculty that specialises in matters pertaining to the specific needs of the courses offered. It also has a museum, a botanical garden and a scientific-technological archive.

Famous Students

Some of the most famous students of the University of Turin are Erasmus of Rotterdam, the humanist scholar who graduated at Torino on 4 September 1506; Rita Levi Montalcini, Nobel Prize winner, who graduated from university's medical school; and many leaders in the political and social Italian scenes in the 20th century such as Gramsci, Gobetti, Togliatti and Bontempelli.

Foreign students who want to study at the University of Turin can visit the Foreign Students' Information Service at Via Verdi,15/N, 10124 Torino or call +39 011 6704498/99. It is open Mondays to Fridays from 9 am to 11 am, and Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 13:30 to 15:00. Send all e-mail enquiries to:

Contact University of Turin (Universitˆ degli Studi di Torino):
Address: Studenti Stranieri, Via Verdi 15/N, Torino, 10124, Italy
Tel: +39 011 670 6111
Turin University

Turin University

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